
My name is Chris Day. I qualified as a doctor in 2009 and was on a formal career path to being a consultant. I am now over a year down a somewhat different road pursuing claims of whistle-blowing detriment in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT).

If you are a Patient:
Do you want the doctor treating you to have adequate whistle-blowing protection so that they can speak openly to their employer about safety? Do you think they will stick their neck out and put their career on the line for you or your care if they don’t?

If you are a Deanery doctor:
Do you want the Deanery to be able to damage your career on account of something you say about safety or training without you being able to hold it to account for its actions in an Employment Tribunal – like an employer in any other sector?

The Deanery and its umbrella legal entity Health Education England is the only NHS body with power and responsibility over your hard won career, training pathway and long term employment.

If you want a safe and open NHS:
Health Education England is the only organisation with ultimate power over the long term employment of 54,000 doctors. Do you think it is right that they should be able to get out of being taken to an Employment Tribunal, and in doing so succeed in preventing serious issues in a whistleblowing case being heard in court?

Why is the Case Important and Why Crowd Justice?
Instead of being prepared to account for their actions and defend a whistle-blowing case on the facts, Health Education England (HEE) or the Deanery have attempted to get out of being taken to an Employment Tribunal by attacking the employment rights of all Deanery doctors in the country. This is preventing important aspects of the case being heard.

They are doing this by attempting to argue approximately 54,000 doctors on a path to GP or consultant out of whistle-blowing protection. We are seeking Crowd Funding to challenge these actions by way of an appeal against an initial Employment Tribunal Judgment that allowed this approach by HEE. If we fail, the appeal Judgment will prevent future whistle-blowing cases involving Deaneries being heard in the nation’s Employment Tribunals. We simply believe doctors and patients deserve better protection. Our Crowd Justice campaign is as simple as that, but for those that would appreciate more explanation we flesh out some of the detail below.

2. What is Whistle-blowing protection?

Whistle-blowing sounds more dramatic than it actually is. All it means in legal terms, is a worker giving relevant information to their employer about safety, fraud or cover up ...


3. Whistle-blowing laws – protection from your employer

For some reason whistle-blowing law is only located within employment statute. This means it only provides protection from detriment carried out by employers ...


Request for Help

As a family with two young children, this situation has been a lot to take on. We take the view that what we have done is worthwhile, and if successful will benefit other doctors and patients; but it has come at a huge cost to us as a family. Raising concerns in the NHS and whistle-blowing litigation is not for the faint hearted ...



My name is Chris Day. I qualified as a doctor in 2009 and was on a formal career path to being a consultant. I am now over a year down a somewhat different road pursuing claims of whistle-blowing detriment in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) ...


What can you do to help?