
As a family with two young children, this situation has been a lot to take on. We take the view that what we have done is worthwhile, and if successful will benefit other doctors and patients; but it has come at a huge cost to us as a family. Raising concerns in the NHS and whistle-blowing litigation is not for the faint hearted.
Many have helped us for minimal payment or no fee at all, in particular Tim Johnson/Law, Barrister Chris Milsom, Public Concern at Work, Patients First and Crowd Justice.

We thank you for visiting our page.
Chris and Melissa Day

Crowdjustice updates on case: 
May 2019 Crowd Justice Campaign : Don't let them get away with it

Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and 54000doctors.org

6. Four against one

Instead of fighting the case on the facts, the NHS, the Deanery/Health Education England and the Secretary of State for Health instructed 4 separate law firms against me ...


7. Our Appeal

We recently won leave to appeal the Preliminary Hearing Judgment that agreed with HEE’s approach. If our appeal fails the Judgment will be binding on all future whistle-blowing cases ...


8. The BMA

My Trade Union, the BMA, initially supported my case and their law firm, Gateley, were preparing proceedings against the Trust and Deanery. The BMA insisted that the NHS and Deanery carry out formal investigations ...



My name is Chris Day. I qualified as a doctor in 2009 and was on a formal career path to being a consultant. I am now over a year down a somewhat different road pursuing claims of whistle-blowing detriment in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) ...


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