
1. On 5 April 2019, Dr Day writes to Hill Dickinson:
2. On 9 April, Rachel Spink, the Hill Dickinson solicitor that had conduct of the Day case replied;

"Dear Dr Day
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded this on to Michael Wright, who will respond in due course.
Please could you direct any further correspondence to Mr Wright as he now has conduct of this matter."
3. On 24 April, the Hill Dickinson Partner Michael Wright responded;

"Dear Dr Day,
The issues set out within your letters of 5 April 2019 to us were subject to employment tribunal proceedings that have been resolved.  Therefore, we consider that these matters are closed and have no further comment to make.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Wright"
4. The detail of the application are covered in various articles in the Private Eye Article Library (link below)

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